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Journal Article
Frolander, Herbert F.. "Biological and chemical features of tidal estuaries." Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 36 (1964): p.1037-1048.
Olson, Robert E.. "Laboratory and field studies on Glugea stephani (Hagenmuller), a microsporidian parasite of pleuronectid flatfishes." The Journal of Protozoology 23 (1976): p,158-164.
Pearcy, William G., and Sharon S. Myers. "Larval fishes of Yaquina Bay, Oregon: a nursery ground for marine fishes?" Fishery Bulletin 72 (1974): p.201-213.
Olson, Robert E., and Ivan Pratt. "Parasites as indicators of English sole (Parophrys velutus) nursery grounds." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 102 (1973): p.405-411.
Olson, Robert E.. "Parasitology of the English sole, Parophrys vetulus Girard in Oregon, USA." Journal of Fish Biology 13 (1978): p.237-248.
Lough, Robert G., and Jefferson J. Gonor. "A response surface approach to the combined effects of temperature and salinity on the larval development of Adula Californiensis (Pelecypoda: Mytilidae) II. Long-term larval survival and growth in relation to respiration." Marine Biology 22 (1973): p.295-305.
Lough, Robert G., and Jefferson J. Gonor. "A response surface approach to the combined effects of temperature and salinity on the larval development of Adula Californiensis (Pelecypoda: Mytilidae). I. Survival and growth of three and fifteen-day old larvae." Marine Biology 22 (1973): p.241-250.
Frolander, Herbert F., Charles B. Miller, M. J. Flynn, S. C. Myers, and S. T. Zimmerman. "Seasonal cycles of abundance in zooplankton populations of Yaquina Bay, Oregon." Marine Biology 21 (1973): p.277-288.
Burreson, Eugene M., and Robert E. Olson. "Seasonal variations in the populations of two hemiurid trematodes from the pacific staghorn sculpin Leptocottus armatus Girard, in an Oregon estuary." Journal of Parasitology 60 (1974): p.764-767.
Neal, Victor T.. "Tidal currents in Yaquina Bay." Northwest Science 40 (1966): p,68-74.
Frolander, Herbert F., Joan M. Flynn, Sharon C. Spring, Steven T. Zimmerman, and Charles B. Miller. Yaquina Bay zooplankton survey I In Data Report (Oregon State University. Dept. of Oceanography) . Vol. no.48. Corvallis, Or.: Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University, 1971.