TitleShellfish investigations progress report: April 1, 1961 - March 31, 1962
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1964
AuthorsSnow, C. Dale, Emery J. Wagner, Darrell Demory, and Oregon. Fish Commission
Secondary TitleShellfish Investigation Progress Report
Date Published[1964]
Institution[Fish Commission of Oregon]
Call NumberGuin SH365.O7 S51 / Guin Yaquina File
Keywordsabundance, age composition, aquatic invertebrates, biological, bivalves, catch statistics, commercial fisheries - shellfish, Coos River estuary, crustaceans, decapods, fat gaper=Tresus capax, growth, life history information, molluscs, Nestucca River estuary, Netarts estuary, Nuttall cockle=Clinocardium nuttallii, Oregon Fish Commission Research Laboratory, population biology, recreational fisheries - shellfish, salinity data, Siuslaw River estuary, Umpqua River estuary, water pollution, water temperature data, Yaquina Bay
NotesThis report is an update of shellfish investigations from April 1961-March 1962. It includes a summary of observations of clam conditions, and discusses a Netarts Bay clam mortality, which drove the Fish Commission to ask the Tillamook County Court to inform them of any future construction projects involving estuaries. It brings up a potential Highway 101 reroute across two clam beds, and the research that was to be done on those beds. The final significant subjects discussed are personal-use and commercial clam fisheries, including number of diggers, and general information on clams dug.